A Tree Datatype
A tree with data at the leaves
data Tree a
= Leaf a
| Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
Here’s an example Tree Char
charT :: Tree Char
= Node
charT Node
(Leaf 'a')
(Leaf 'b'))
(Leaf 'c')
(Leaf 'a')) (
Lets Work it Out!
Write a function to add a distinct label to each leaf
label :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
= ??? label
such that
>>> label charT
(Leaf ('a', 0))
(Leaf ('b', 1)))
(Leaf ('c', 2))
(Leaf ('a', 3))) (
Labeling a Tree
label :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
= t'
label t where
= (helper 0 t)
(_, t')
helper :: Int -> (Int, Tree (a, Int))
Leaf x) = (n+1, Leaf (x, n))
helper n (Node l r) = (n'', Node l' r')
helper n (where
= helper n l
(n', l') = helper n' r (n'', r')
Now, modify label
so that you get new numbers for each letter
>>> keyLabel (Node (Node (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Node (Leaf 'c') (Leaf 'a')))
(Node (Leaf ('a', 0)) (Leaf ('b', 0)))
(Node (Leaf ('c', 0)) (Leaf ('a', 1)))) (
That is, a separate counter for each key a
, b
, c
HINT Use the following Map k v
-- | The empty Map
empty :: Map k v
-- | 'insert key val m` returns a new map that extends 'm'
-- by setting `key` to `val`
insert :: k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
-- | 'findWithDefault def key m' returns the value of `key`
-- in `m` or `def` if `key` is not defined
findWithDefault :: v -> k -> Map k v -> v
Common Pattern?
Both the functions have a common “shape”
OldInt -> (NewInt, NewTree)
OldMap -> (NewMap, NewTree)
If we generally think of Int
and Map Char Int
as global state
OldState -> (NewState, NewVal)
State Transformers
Lets capture the above “pattern” as a type
- A State Type
type State = ... -- lets "fix" it to Int for now...
- A State Transformer Type
data ST a = STC (State -> (State, a))
A state transformer is a function that
- takes as input an old
s :: State
- returns as output a new
s' :: State
and valuev :: a
Executing Transformers
Lets write a function to evaluate an ST a
evalState :: State -> ST a -> a
= ??? evalState
What is the value of quiz
st :: St [Int]
= STC (\n -> (n+3, [n, n+1, n+2]))
= evalState 100 st quiz
A. 103
B. [100, 101, 102]
C. (103, [100, 101, 102])
D. [0, 1, 2]
E. Type error
Lets Make State Transformer a Monad!
instance Monad ST where
return :: a -> ST a
return = returnST
(>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
>>=) = bindST (
EXERCISE: Implement returnST
What is a valid implementation of returnST
type State = Int
data ST a = STC (State -> (State, a))
returnST :: a -> ST a
= ??? returnST
What is returnST
doing ?
returnST v
is a state transformer that … ???
(Can someone suggest an explanation in English?)
Now, lets implement bindST
type State = Int
data ST a = STC (State -> (State, a))
bindST :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
= ??? bindST
What is bindST
doing ?
bindST v
is a state transformer that … ???
(Can someone suggest an explanation in English?)
lets us sequence state transformers
(>>=) :: ST0 a -> (a -> ST0 b) -> ST0 b
>>= f = STC (\s ->
sta let (s', va) = runState sta s
= f va
stb = runState stb s'
(s'', vb) in
(s'', vb)
st >>= f
- Applies transformer
to an initial states
- to get output
and valueva
- to get output
- Then applies function
to the resulting valueva
- to get a second transformer
- The second transformer is applied to
- to get final
and valuevb
- to get final
OVERALL: Transform s
to s''
and produce value vb
Lets Implement a Global Counter
The (counter) State
is an Int
type State = Int
A function that increments the counter to return the next
next :: ST String
= STC (\s -> (s+1, show s)) next
is a state transformer that that returns String
Recall that
evalState :: State -> ST a -> a
STC st) = snd (st s)
evalState s (
next :: ST String
= STC (\s -> (s+1, show s)) next
What does quiz
evaluate to?
= evalState 100 next quiz
A. "100"
B. "101"
C. "0"
D. "1"
E. (101, "100")
Recall the definitions
evalState :: State -> ST a -> a
STC st) = snd (st s)
evalState s (
next :: ST String
= STC (\s -> (s+1, show s)) next
Now suppose we have
= ST String
wtf1 = next >>= \n ->
wtf1 return n
What does quiz
evaluate to?
= evalState 100 wtf1 quiz
A. "100"
B. "101"
C. "0"
D. "1"
E. (101, "100")
next :: ST String
= STC (\s -> (s+1, show s)
evalState :: State -> ST a -> a
STC f) = snd (f s) evalState s (
Consider a function wtf2
defined as
= next >>= \n1 ->
wtf2 >>= \n2 ->
next >>= \n3 ->
next return [n1, n2, n3]
What does quiz
evaluate to?
= evalState 100 wtf quiz
A. Type Error!
B. [“100”, “100”, “100”]
C. [“0”, “0”, “0”]
D. [“100”, “101”, “102”]
E. [“102”, “102”, “102”]
Chaining Transformers
lets us chain transformers into one big transformer!
So we can define a function to increment the counter by 3
-- Increment the counter by 3
next3 :: ST [Int]
= next >>= \n1 ->
next3 >>= \n2 ->
next >>= \n3 ->
next return [n1,n2,n3]
And then sequence it twice to get
next6 :: ST [Int]
= next3 >>= \ns_1_2_3 ->
next6 >>= \ns_4_5_6 ->
next3 return (ns_123 ++ ns_4_5_6)
Lets do
the above examples
Remember, do
is just nice syntax for the above!
-- Increment the counter by 3
next3 :: ST [Int, Int]
= do
next3 <- next
n1 <- next
n2 <- next
n3 return [n1,n2,n3]
And then sequence it twice to get
next6 :: ST [Int]
= do
next6 <- next3
ns_123 <- next3
ns_456 return (ns_123 ++ ns_4_5_6)
Labeling a Tree with a “Global Counter”
Lets rewrite our Tree
labeler with ST
helperS :: Tree a -> ST (Tree (a, Int))
= ??? helperS
Wow, compare to the old code!
helper :: Int -> (Int, Tree (a, Int))
Leaf x) = (n+1, Leaf (x, n))
helper n (Node l r) = (n'', Node l' r')
helper n (where
= helper n l
(n', l') = helper n' r (n'', r')
Avoid worrying about propagating the “right” counters
- Automatically handled by
monad instance!
Executing the Transformer
In the old code we called the helper with an initial counter 0
label :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
= t'
label t where
= helper 0 t (_, t')
In the new code what should we do?
helperS :: Tree a -> ST (Tree (a, Int))
= ...
labelS :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Int)
= ??? labelS
Now, we should be able to exec
the labelS
>>> labelS (Node (Node (Leaf 'a') (Leaf 'b')) (Leaf 'c'))
Node (Node (Leaf ('a', 0)) (Leaf ('b', 1))) (Leaf ('c', 2))) (
How to implement keyLabel
So far, we hardwired an Int
counter as our State
type State = Int
data ST a = STC (State -> (State, a))
Have to reimplement the monad if we want a different state?
- e.g.
Map Char Int
to implementkeyLabel
Don’t Repeat Yourself!
A Generic State Transformer
Don’t have separate types for IntList
and CharList
Define a generic list
is a type parameterInstantiate
to get[Int]
Similarly, reuse ST
with a type parameter!
data ST s a = STC (s -> (s, a))
- State is represented by type
- Return Value is the type
(as before).
A Generic State Transformer Monad
Lets make the above a(n instance of) Monad
instance Monad (ST s) where
-- return :: a -> ST s a
return val = ST0C (\s -> (s, val))
-- (>>=) :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b
>>=) sta f = ST0C (\s ->
(let (s', va) = runState sta s
= f va
stb = runState stb s'
(s'', vb) in
(s'', vb)
runState :: ST s a -> s -> (s, a)
STC f) s = f s
runState (
evalState :: ST s a -> s -> a
= snd (runState st s) evalState st s
(exactly the same code as returnST
and bindST
Lets implement keyLabel
- Define a
Map Char Int
type CharST a = ST (Map Char Int) a
- Modify
to take aChar
charNext :: Char -> CharST Int
= STC (\m ->
charNext c let
= M.findWithDefault 0 c m -- label for 'c'
n = M.insert c (n+1) m -- update map
m' in
(m', n) )
- Modify
to usecharNext
keyHelperS :: Tree Char -> ST (Tree (Char, Int))
Leaf c) = do
keyHelperS (<- charNext c
n return (Leaf (c, n))
Node l r) = do
keyHelperS (<- keyHelperS l
l' <- keyHelperS r
r' return (Tree l' r')
keyLabelS :: Tree Char -> Tree (Char, Int)
= evalState (keyHelperS t) empty keyLabelS t
Lets make sure it works!
>>> keyLabelS charT
Node (Leaf ('a', 0)) (Leaf ('b', 0)))
(Node (Leaf ('c', 0)) (Leaf ('a', 1))) (
Lets look at the final “state”
>>> (final, t) = runState (keyHelper charT) M.empty
The returned Tree
>>> t
Node (Leaf ('a', 0)) (Leaf ('b', 0)))
(Node (Leaf ('c', 0)) (Leaf ('a', 1))) (
and the final State
>>> final
'a',2),('b',1),('c',1)] fromList [(
Generically Getting and Setting State
As State is “generic”
- i.e. a type variable not
orMap Char Int
or …
It will be convenient to have “generic” get
and put
- that read and update the state
-- | `get` leaves state unchanged & returns it as value
get :: ST s s
-- | `set s` changes the state to `s` & returns () as a value
put :: s -> ST s ()
Can you fill in the implementations of get
and set
HINT Just follow the types…
-- | `get` leaves state unchanged & returns it as value
get :: ST s s
= STC (\oldState -> ???)
-- | `put s` changes the state to `s` & returns () as a value
put :: s -> ST s ()
= STC (\oldState -> ???) put s
Using get
and put
: Global Counter
We can now implement the plain global counter next
next :: ST Int Int
= do
next <- get -- save the current counter as 'n'
n +1) -- update the counter to 'n+1'
put (nreturn n -- return the old counter
Using get
and put
: Frequency Map
Lets implement the char-frequency counter charNext
charNext :: Char -> ST (Map Char Int) Int
= do
charNext c <- get -- get current freq-map
m let n = M.findWithDefault 0 c m -- current freq for c (or 0)
+1) m) -- update freq for c
put (M.insert c (nreturn n -- return current as value
A State-Transformer Library
The Control.Monad.State
defines a State-Transformer like above.
hides the implementation of the transformer
Clients can only use the “public” API
-- | Like 'ST s a' but "private", cannot be directly accessed
data State s a
-- | Like the synonyms described above
get :: State s s
put :: s -> State s ()
runState :: State s a -> s -> (a, s)
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
Your homework will give you practice with using these
- to do imperative functional programming
The IO Monad
Remember the IO a
or Recipe a
type from this lecture
- Recipes that return a result of type
- But may also perform some input/output
A number of primitives are provided for building IO
-- IO is a monad
return :: a -> IO a
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
Basic actions that can be “chained” via >>=
getChar :: IO Char
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
A Recipe to Read a Line from the Keyboard
getLine :: IO String
getLine = do
<- getChar
x if x == '\n' then
return []
else do
<- getLine
xs return (x:xs)
IO is a “special case” of the State-Transformer
The internal state is a representation of the state of the world
data World -- machine, files, network, internet ...
type IO a = World -> (World, a)
A Recipe
is a function that
- takes the current
as its argument - returns a value
and a modifiedWorld
The modified World
reflects any input/output done by the Recipe
This is just for understanding, GHC implements IO
more efficiently!