Lambda Calculus

Your Favorite Language

Probably has lots of features:

  • Assignment (x = x + 1)
  • Booleans, integers, characters, strings, …
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • return, break, continue
  • Functions
  • Recursion
  • References / pointers
  • Objects and classes
  • Inheritance

Which ones can we do without?

What is the smallest universal language?

What is computable?

Before 1930s

Informal notion of an effectively calculable function:

can be computed by a human with pen and paper, following an algorithm
can be computed by a human with pen and paper, following an algorithm

1936: Formalization

What is the smallest universal language?

Alan Turing
Alan Turing

Alonzo Church
Alonzo Church

The Next 700 Languages

Peter Landin
Peter Landin

Whatever the next 700 languages turn out to be, they will surely be variants of lambda calculus.

Peter Landin, 1966

The Lambda Calculus

Has one feature:

  • Functions

No, really

  • Assignment (x = x + 1)
  • Booleans, integers, characters, strings, …
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • return, break, continue
  • Functions
  • Recursion
  • References / pointers
  • Objects and classes
  • Inheritance
  • Reflection

More precisely, only thing you can do is:

  • Define a function
  • Call a function

Describing a Programming Language

  • Syntax: what do programs look like?
  • Semantics: what do programs mean?
    • Operational semantics: how do programs execute step-by-step?

Syntax: What Programs Look Like

Programs are expressions e (also called λ-terms) of one of three kinds:

  • Variable
    • x, y, z
  • Abstraction (aka nameless function definition)
    • \x -> e
    • x is the formal parameter, e is the body
    • “for any x compute e
  • Application (aka function call)
    • e1 e2
    • e1 is the function, e2 is the argument
    • in your favorite language: e1(e2)

(Here each of e, e1, e2 can itself be a variable, abstraction, or application)



Which of the following terms are syntactically incorrect?

A. \(\x -> x) -> y

B. \x -> x x

C. \x -> x (y x)

D. A and C

E. all of the above


How do I define a function with two arguments?

  • e.g. a function that takes x and y and returns y?

How do I apply a function to two arguments?

  • e.g. apply \x -> (\y -> y) to apple and banana?

Syntactic Sugar

instead of we write
\x -> (\y -> (\z -> e)) \x -> \y -> \z -> e
\x -> \y -> \z -> e \x y z -> e
(((e1 e2) e3) e4) e1 e2 e3 e4

Semantics : What Programs Mean

How do I “run” / “execute” a λ-term?

Think of middle-school algebra:

Execute = rewrite step-by-step

  • Following simple rules
  • until no more rules apply

Rewrite Rules of Lambda Calculus

  1. β-step (aka function call)
  2. α-step (aka renaming formals)

But first we have to talk about scope

Semantics: Scope of a Variable

The part of a program where a variable is visible

In the expression \x -> e

  • x is the newly introduced variable

  • e is the scope of x

  • any occurrence of x in \x -> e is bound (by the binder \x)

For example, x is bound in:

An occurrence of x in e is free if it’s not bound by an enclosing abstraction

For example, x is free in:


In the expression (\x -> x) x, is x bound or free?

A. first occurrence is bound, second is bound

B. first occurrence is bound, second is free

C. first occurrence is free, second is bound

D. first occurrence is free, second is free

EXERCISE: Free Variables

An variable x is free in e if there exists a free occurrence of x in e

We can formally define the set of all free variables in a term like so:

Closed Expressions

If e has no free variables it is said to be closed

  • Closed expressions are also called combinators

What is the shortest closed expression?

Rewrite Rules of Lambda Calculus

  1. β-step (aka function call)
  2. α-step (aka renaming formals)

Semantics: Redex

A redex is a term of the form

A function (\x -> e1)

  • x is the parameter
  • e1 is the returned expression

Applied to an argument e2

  • e2 is the argument

Semantics: β-Reduction

A redex b-steps to another term …

where e1[x := e2] means

e1 with all free occurrences of x replaced with e2

Computation by search-and-replace:

  • If you see an abstraction applied to an argument, take the body of the abstraction and replace all free occurrences of the formal by that argument

  • We say that (\x -> e1) e2 β-steps to e1[x := e2]

Redex Examples

Is this right? Ask Elsa!


A. apple

B. \y -> apple

C. \x -> apple

D. \y -> y

E. \x -> y


A. apple apple apple apple

B. y apple y apple

C. y y y y

D. apple


A. apple (\x -> x)

B. apple (\apple -> apple)

C. apple (\x -> apple)

D. apple

E. \x -> x


What is a λ-term fill_this_in such that


Click here to try this exercise

A Tricky One

Is this right?

Something is Fishy

Is this right?

Problem: The free y in the argument has been captured by \y in body!

Solution: Ensure that formals in the body are different from free-variables of argument!

Capture-Avoiding Substitution

We have to fix our definition of β-reduction:

where e1[x := e2] means e1 with all free occurrences of x replaced with e2

  • e1 with all free occurrences of x replaced with e2
  • as long as no free variables of e2 get captured


Oops, but what to do if y is in the free-variables of e?

  • i.e. if \y -> ... may capture those free variables?

Rewrite Rules of Lambda Calculus

  1. β-step (aka function call)
  2. α-step (aka renaming formals)

Semantics: α-Renaming

  • We rename a formal parameter x to y

  • By replace all occurrences of x in the body with y

  • We say that \x -> e α-steps to \y -> e[x := y]


All these expressions are α-equivalent

What’s wrong with these?

Tricky Example Revisited

To avoid getting confused,

  • you can always rename formals,

  • so different variables have different names!

Normal Forms

Recall redex is a λ-term of the form

(\x -> e1) e2

A λ-term is in normal form if it contains no redexes.


Which of the following term are not in normal form ?

A. x

B. x y

C. (\x -> x) y

D. x (\y -> y)

E. C and D

Semantics: Evaluation

A λ-term e evaluates to e' if

  1. There is a sequence of steps

where each =?> is either =a> or =b> and N >= 0

  1. e' is in normal form

Examples of Evaluation

Elsa shortcuts

Named λ-terms:

To substitute name with its definition, use a =d> step:


  • e1 =*> e2: e1 reduces to e2 in 0 or more steps
    • where each step is =a>, =b>, or =d>
  • e1 =~> e2: e1 evaluates to e2 and e2 is in normal form


Fill in the definitions of FIRST, SECOND and THIRD such that you get the following behavior in elsa


Click here to try this exercise

Non-Terminating Evaluation

Some programs loop back to themselves…

… and never reduce to a normal form!

This combinator is called Ω

What if we pass Ω as an argument to another function?

Does this reduce to a normal form? Try it at home!

Programming in λ-calculus

Real languages have lots of features

  • Booleans
  • Records (structs, tuples)
  • Numbers
  • Functions [we got those]
  • Recursion

Lets see how to encode all of these features with the λ-calculus.

λ-calculus: Booleans

How can we encode Boolean values (TRUE and FALSE) as functions?

Well, what do we do with a Boolean b?

Make a binary choice

  • if b then e1 else e2

Booleans: API

We need to define three functions

such that

(Here, let NAME = e means NAME is an abbreviation for e)

Booleans: Implementation

Example: Branches step-by-step

Example: Branches step-by-step

Now you try it!

Can you fill in the blanks to make it happen?

EXERCISE: Boolean Operators

ELSA: Click here to try this exercise

Now that we have ITE it’s easy to define other Boolean operators:

When you are done, you should get the following behavior:

Programming in λ-calculus

  • Booleans [done]
  • Records (structs, tuples)
  • Numbers
  • Functions [we got those]
  • Recursion

λ-calculus: Records

Let’s start with records with two fields (aka pairs)

What do we do with a pair?

  1. Pack two items into a pair, then
  2. Get first item, or
  3. Get second item.

Pairs : API

We need to define three functions

such that

Pairs: Implementation

A pair of x and y is just something that lets you pick between x and y! (i.e. a function that takes a boolean and returns either x or y)


How can we implement a record that contains three values?


Click here to try this exercise

Programming in λ-calculus

  • Booleans [done]
  • Records (structs, tuples) [done]
  • Numbers
  • Functions [we got those]
  • Recursion

λ-calculus: Numbers

Let’s start with natural numbers (0, 1, 2, …)

What do we do with natural numbers?

  • Count: 0, inc
  • Arithmetic: dec, +, -, *
  • Comparisons: ==, <=, etc

Natural Numbers: API

We need to define:

  • A family of numerals: ZERO, ONE, TWO, THREE, …
  • Arithmetic functions: INC, DEC, ADD, SUB, MULT
  • Comparisons: IS_ZERO, EQ

Such that they respect all regular laws of arithmetic, e.g.

Natural Numbers: Implementation

Church numerals: a number N is encoded as a combinator that calls a function on an argument N times

QUIZ: Church Numerals

Which of these is a valid encoding of ZERO ?

  • A: let ZERO = \f x -> x

  • B: let ZERO = \f x -> f

  • C: let ZERO = \f x -> f x

  • D: let ZERO = \x -> x

  • E: None of the above

Does this function look familiar?

λ-calculus: Increment



Fill in the implementation of ADD so that you get the following behavior

Click here to try this exercise


How shall we implement ADD?

A. let ADD = \n m -> n INC m

B. let ADD = \n m -> INC n m

C. let ADD = \n m -> n m INC

D. let ADD = \n m -> n (m INC)

E. let ADD = \n m -> n (INC m)

λ-calculus: Addition



How shall we implement MULT?

A. let MULT = \n m -> n ADD m

B. let MULT = \n m -> n (ADD m) ZERO

C. let MULT = \n m -> m (ADD n) ZERO

D. let MULT = \n m -> n (ADD m ZERO)

E. let MULT = \n m -> (n ADD m) ZERO

λ-calculus: Multiplication


Programming in λ-calculus

  • Booleans [done]
  • Records (structs, tuples) [done]
  • Numbers [done]
  • Lists
  • Functions [we got those]
  • Recursion

λ-calculus: Lists

Lets define an API to build lists in the λ-calculus.

An Empty List

Constructing a list

A list with 4 elements

intuitively CONS h t creates a new list with

  • head h
  • tail t

Destructing a list

  • HEAD l returns the first element of the list
  • TAIL l returns the rest of the list

λ-calculus: Lists


Write an implementation of GetNth such that

  • GetNth n l returns the n-th element of the list l

Assume that l has n or more elements

Click here to try this in elsa

λ-calculus: Recursion

I want to write a function that sums up natural numbers up to n:

such that we get the following behavior

Can we write sum using Church Numerals?

Click here to try this in Elsa


You can write SUM using numerals but its tedious.

Is this a correct implementation of SUM?

A. Yes

B. No


  • Named terms in Elsa are just syntactic sugar
  • To translate an Elsa term to λ-calculus: replace each name with its definition


  • Inside this function
  • Want to call the same function on DEC n

Looks like we can’t do recursion!

  • Requires being able to refer to functions by name,
  • But λ-calculus functions are anonymous.


λ-calculus: Recursion

Think again!


Instead of

  • Inside this function I want to call the same function on DEC n

Lets try

  • Inside this function I want to call some function rec on DEC n
  • And BTW, I want rec to be the same function

Step 1: Pass in the function to call “recursively”

Step 2: Do some magic to STEP, so rec is itself

That is, obtain a term MAGIC such that

λ-calculus: Fixpoint Combinator

Wanted: a λ-term FIX such that

  • FIX STEP calls STEP with FIX STEP as the first argument:

(In math: a fixpoint of a function f(x) is a point x, such that f(x) = x)

Once we have it, we can define:

Then by property of FIX we have:

and so now we compute:

How should we define FIX???

The Y combinator

Remember Ω?

This is self-replcating code! We need something like this but a bit more involved…

The Y combinator discovered by Haskell Curry:

How does it work?

That’s all folks, Haskell Curry was very clever.

Next week: We’ll look at the language named after him (Haskell)