Haskell Crash Course Part II

Recap: Haskell Crash Course II

  • Core program element is an expression
  • Every valid expression has a type (determined at compile-time)
  • Every valid expression reduces to a value (computed at run-time)

Recap: Haskell

Basic values & operators

  • Int, Bool, Char, Double
  • +, -, ==, /=

Execution / Function Calls

  • Just substitute equals by equals

Producing Collections

  • Pack data into tuples & lists

Consuming Collections

  • Unpack data via pattern-matching

Next: Creating and Using New Data Types

  1. type Synonyms: Naming existing types

  2. data types: Creating new types

Type Synonyms

Synonyms are just names (“aliases”) for existing types

  • think typedef in C

A type to represent Circle

A tuple (x, y, r) is a circle with center at (x, y) and radius r

A type to represent Cuboid

A tuple (length, depth, height) is a cuboid

Using Type Synonyms

We can now use synonyms by creating values of the given types

And we can write functions over synonyms too

We should get this behavior


Suppose we have the definitions

What is the result of

A. 0

B. Type error


Type Synonyms

  • Do not create new types

  • Just name existing types

And hence, synonyms

  • Do not prevent confusing different values

Creating New Data Types

We can avoid mixing up by creating new data types

Constructors are the only way to create values

  • MkCircle creates CircleT

  • MkCuboid creates CuboidT


Suppose we create a new type with a data definition

What is the type of the MkCircle constructor?

A. MkCircle :: CircleT

B. MkCircle :: Double -> CircleT

C. MkCircle :: Double -> Double -> CircleT

D. MkCircle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> CircleT

E. MkCircle :: (Double, Double, Double) -> CircleT

Constructing Data

Constructors let us build values of the new type


Suppose we have the definitions

What is the result of

A. 6000

B. Type error

Deconstructing Data

Constructors let us build values of new type … but how to use those values?

How can we implement a function

such that

Deconstructing Data by Pattern Matching

Haskell lets us deconstruct data via pattern-matching

case e of Ctor x y z -> e1 is read as as

IF - e evaluates to a value that matches the pattern Ctor vx vy vz

THEN - evaluate e1 after naming x := vx, y := vy, z := vz

Pattern matching on Function Inputs

Very common to do matching on function inputs

So Haskell allows a nicer syntax: patterns in the arguments

Nice syntax plus the compiler saves us from mixing up values!

But … what if we need to mix up values?

Suppose I need to represent a list of shapes

  • Some Circles
  • Some Cuboids

What is the problem with shapes as defined below?

Where we have defined

Problem: All list elements must have the same type


QUIZ: Variant (aka Union) Types

Lets create a single type that can represent both kinds of shapes!

What is the type of MkCircle 0 0 100 ?

A. Shape

B. Circle

C. (Double, Double, Double)

Each Data Constructor of Shape has a different type

When we define a data type like the below

We get multiple constructors for Shape

Now we can create collections of Shape

Now we can define

and then define collections of Shapes


Lets define a type for 2D shapes

Write a function to compute the area of a Shape2D


Area of a polygon
Area of a polygon

You may want to use this helper that computes the area of a triangle at v1, v2, v3