Overloading Operators: Arithmetic
The +
operator works for a bunch of different types.
For Integer
> 2 + 3
for Double
precision floats:
> 2.9 + 3.5
Overloading Comparisons
Similarly we can compare different types of values
> 2 == 3
> [2.9, 3.5] == [2.9, 3.5]
> ("cat", 10) < ("cat", 2)
> ("cat", 10) < ("cat", 20)
Ad-Hoc Overloading
Seems unremarkable?
Languages since the dawn of time have supported “operator overloading”
To support this kind of ad–hoc polymorphism
Ad-hoc: “created or done for a particular purpose as necessary.”
You really need to add and compare values of multiple types!
Haskell has no caste system
No distinction between operators and functions
- All are first class citizens!
But then, what type do we give to functions like +
and ==
Which of the following would be appropriate types for (+)
(A) (+) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(B) (+) :: Double -> Double -> Double
(C) (+) :: a -> a -> a
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above
Integer -> Integer -> Integer
is bad because?
- Then we cannot add
Double -> Double -> Double
is bad because?
- Then we cannot add
a -> a -> a
is bad because?
- That doesn’t make sense, e.g. to add two
or two[Int]
or two functions!
Type Classes for Ad Hoc Polymorphism
Haskell solves this problem with typeclasses
- Introduced by Wadler and Blott
BTW: The paper is one of the clearest examples of academic writing I have seen. The next time you hear a curmudgeon say all the best CS was done in the 60s or 70s just point them to the above.
Qualified Types
To see the right type, lets ask:
> :type (+)
λ(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
We call the above a qualified type. Read it as +
- takes in two
values and returns ana
for any type a
- is a
or - implements the
interface or - is an instance of a
The name Num
can be thought of as a predicate or constraint over types.
Some types are Num
Examples include Integer
, Double
- Any such values of those types can be passed to
Other types are not Num
Examples include Char
, String
, functions etc,
- Values of those types cannot be passed to
> True + False
No instance for (Num Bool) arising from a use of ‘+’
In the expression: True + False
In an equation for ‘it’: it = True + False
Aha! Now those no instance for
error messages should make sense!
- Haskell is complaining that
are of typeBool
- and that
is not an instance ofNum
Type Class is a Set of Operations
A typeclass is a collection of operations (functions) that must exist for the underlying type.
The Eq
Type Class
The simplest typeclass is perhaps, Eq
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
A type a
is an instance of Eq
if there are two functions
That determine if two a
values are respectively equal or disequal.
The Show
Type Class
The typeclass Show
requires that instances be convertible to String
(which can then be printed out)
class Show a where
show :: a -> String
Indeed, we can test this on different (built-in) types
> show 2
> show 3.14
> show (1, "two", ([],[],[]))
(Hey, whats up with the funny \"
Unshowable Types
When we type an expression into ghci
- it computes the value,
- then calls
on the result.
Thus, if we create a new type by
data Unshowable = A | B | C
and then create values of the type,
> let x = A
λ> :type x
λx :: Unshowable
but then we cannot view them
> x
No instance for (Show Unshowable)
of `print' at <interactive>:1:0
arising from a use Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show Unshowable)
In a stmt of a 'do' expression: print it
and we cannot compare them!
> x == x
No instance for (Eq Unshowable)
of `==' at <interactive>:1:0-5
arising from a use Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Eq Unshowable)
In the expression: x == x
In the definition of `it': it = x == x
Again, the previously incomprehensible type error message should make sense to you.
Creating Instances
Tell Haskell how to show or compare values of type Unshowable
By creating instances of Eq
and Show
for that type:
instance Eq Unshowable where
==) A A = True -- True if both inputs are A
(==) B B = True -- ...or B
(==) C C = True -- .. or C
(==) _ _ = False -- otherwise
/=) x y = not (x == y) -- Test if `x == y` and negate result! (
Lets create an instance
for Show Unshowable
When you are done we should get the following behavior
>>> x = [A, B, C]
A, B, C] [
Automatic Derivation
We should be able to compare and view Unshowble
Haskell lets us automatically derive implementations for some standard classes
data Showable = A' | B' | C'
deriving (Eq, Show) -- tells Haskell to automatically generate instances
Now we have
> let x' = A'
> :type x'
λx' :: Showable
> x'
> x' == x'
> x' == B'
The Num
Let us now peruse the definition of the Num
> :info Num
λclass (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
A type a
is an instance of (i.e. implements) Num
- The type is also an instance of
, and - There are functions to add, multiply, etc. values of that type.
That is, we can do comparisons and arithmetic on the values.
Standard Typeclass Hierarchy
Haskell comes equipped with a rich set of built-in classes.

In the above picture, there is an edge from Eq
and Show
to Num
because for something to be a Num
it must also be an Eq
and Show
The Ord
Another typeclass you’ve used already is the one for Ord
ering values:
> :info (<)
λclass Eq a => Ord a where
(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
For example:
> 2 < 3
> "cat" < "dog"
Recall the datatype:
data Showable = A' | B' | C' deriving (Eq, Show)
What is the result of:
> A' < B' λ
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Type error
(D) Run-time exception
Using Typeclasses
Typeclasses integrate with the rest of Haskell’s type system.
Lets build a small library for Environments mapping keys k
to values v
data Table k v
= Def v -- default value `v` to be used for "missing" keys
| Bind k v (Table k v) -- bind key `k` to the value `v`
deriving (Show)
What is the type of keys
Def _) = []
keys (Bind k _ rest) = k : keys rest keys (
A. Table k v -> k
B. Table k v -> [k]
C. Table k v -> [(k, v)]
D. Table k v -> [v]
E. Table k v -> v
An API for Table
Lets write a small API for Table
-- >>> let env0 = set "cat" 10.0 (set "dog" 20.0 (Def 0))
-- >>> set "cat" env0
-- 10
-- >>> get "dog" env0
-- 20
-- >>> get "horse" env0
-- 0
Ok, lets implement!
-- | 'add key val env' returns a new env that additionally maps `key` to `val`
set :: k -> v -> Table k v -> Table k v
= ???
set key val env
-- | 'get key env' returns the value of `key` and the "default" if no value is found
get :: k -> Table k v -> v
= ??? get key env
Oops, y u no check?
Constraint Propagation
Lets delete the types of set
and get
- to see what Haskell says their types are!
> :type get
λget :: (Eq k) => k -> v -> Table k v -> Table k v
We can use any k
value as a key
- if k
is an instance of i.e. “implements” the Eq
How, did GHC figure this out?
- If you look at the code for
you’ll see that we check if two keys are equal!
Write an optimized version of
that ensures the keys are in increasing order,get
that gives up and returns the “default” the moment we see a key thats larger than the one we’re looking for.
(How) do you need to change the type of Table
(How) do you need to change the types of get
and set
Explicit Signatures
Sometimes the use of type classes requires explicit annotations
- which affect the code’s behavior
is a standard typeclass that is the “opposite” of Show
- where any instance
has a “parsing” function
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
What does the expression read "2"
evaluate to?
(A) compile time error
(B) "2" :: String
(C) 2 :: Integer
(D) 2.0 :: Double
(E) run-time exception
Compiler is puzzled!
Doesn’t know what type to convert the string to!
Doesn’t know which of the read
functions to run!
- Did we want an
or aDouble
or maybe something else altogether?
Explicit Type Annotation
- needed to tell Haskell what to convert the string to:
>>> (read "2") :: Int
>>> (read "2") :: Float
Note the different results due to the different types.
Creating Typeclasses
Typeclasses are useful for many different things.
We will see some of those over the next few lectures.
Lets conclude today’s class with a quick example that provides a small taste.
JavaScript Object Notation or JSON
- is a simple format for transferring data around.
Here is an example:
{ "name" : "Ranjit"
, "age" : 44.0
, "likes" : ["guacamole", "coffee", "tacos"]
, "hates" : [ "waiting" , "spiders"]
, "lunches" : [ {"day" : "monday", "loc" : "zanzibar"}
, {"day" : "tuesday", "loc" : "farmers market"}
, {"day" : "wednesday", "loc" : "harekrishna"}
, {"day" : "thursday", "loc" : "faculty club"}
, {"day" : "friday", "loc" : "coffee cart"} ]
In brief, each JSON object is either
a base value like a string, a number or a boolean,
an (ordered) array of objects, or
a set of string-object pairs.
A JSON Datatype
We can represent (a subset of) JSON values with the Haskell datatype
data JVal
= JStr String
| JNum Double
| JBool Bool
| JObj [(String, JVal)]
| JArr [JVal]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Thus, the above JSON value would be represented by the JVal
js1 :: JVal
js1 JObj [("name", JStr "Ranjit")
"age", JNum 44.0)
,("likes", JArr [ JStr "guacamole", JStr "coffee", JStr "bacon"])
,("hates", JArr [ JStr "waiting" , JStr "grapefruit"])
,("lunches", JArr [ JObj [("day", JStr "monday")
,("loc", JStr "zanzibar")]
,(JObj [("day", JStr "tuesday")
, "loc", JStr "farmers market")]
,(JObj [("day", JStr "wednesday")
, "loc", JStr "hare krishna")]
,(JObj [("day", JStr "thursday")
, "loc", JStr "faculty club")]
,(JObj [("day", JStr "friday")
, "loc", JStr "coffee cart")]
]) ]
Serializing Haskell Values to JSON
Lets write a small library to serialize Haskell values as JSON.
We could write a bunch of functions like
doubleToJSON :: Double -> JVal
= JNum
stringToJSON :: String -> JVal
= JStr
boolToJSON :: Bool -> JVal
= JBool boolToJSON
Serializing Collections
But what about collections, namely lists of things?
doublesToJSON :: [Double] -> JVal
= JArr (map doubleToJSON xs)
doublesToJSON xs
boolsToJSON :: [Bool] -> JVal
= JArr (map boolToJSON xs)
boolsToJSON xs
stringsToJSON :: [String] -> JVal
= JArr (map stringToJSON xs) stringsToJSON xs
This is getting rather tedious
- We are rewriting the same code :(
Serializing Collections (refactored with HOFs)
You could abstract by making the individual-element-converter a parameter
xsToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [a] -> JVal
= JArr (map f xs)
xsToJSON f xs
xysToJSON :: (a -> JVal) -> [(String, a)] -> JVal
= JObj (map (\(k, v) -> (k, f v)) kvs) xysToJSON f kvs
Serializing Collections Still Tedious
As we have to specify the individual data converter (yuck!)
> doubleToJSON 4
λJNum 4.0
> xsToJSON stringToJSON ["coffee", "guacamole", "bacon"]
λJArr [JStr "coffee",JStr "guacamole",JStr "bacon"]
> xysToJSON stringToJSON [("day", "monday"), ("loc", "zanzibar")]
λJObj [("day",JStr "monday"),("loc",JStr "zanzibar")]
This gets awful when you have richer objects like
= [ [("day", "monday"), ("loc", "zanzibar")]
lunches "day", "tuesday"), ("loc", "farmers market")]
, [( ]
because we have to go through gymnastics like
> xsToJSON (xysToJSON stringToJSON) lunches
λJArr [ JObj [("day",JStr "monday") ,("loc",JStr "zanzibar")]
JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday") ,("loc",JStr "farmers market")]
, ]
Yikes. So much for readability
Is it too much to ask for a magical toJSON
that just works?
Typeclasses To The Rescue
Lets define a typeclass that describes types a
that can be converted to JSON.
class JSON a where
toJSON :: a -> JVal
Now, just make all the above instances of JSON
like so
instance JSON Double where
= JNum
instance JSON Bool where
= JBool
instance JSON String where
= JStr toJSON
This lets us uniformly write
> toJSON 4
λJNum 4.0
> toJSON True
λJBool True
> toJSON "guacamole"
λJStr "guacamole"
Bootstrapping Instances
Haskell can automatically bootstrap the above to lists and tables!
instance JSON a => JSON [a] where
= JArr (map toJSON xs) toJSON xs
- if
is an instance ofJSON
, - then here’s how to convert lists of
> toJSON [True, False, True]
λJArr [JBln True, JBln False, JBln True]
> toJSON ["cat", "dog", "Mouse"]
λJArr [JStr "cat", JStr "dog", JStr "Mouse"]
Bootstrapping Lists of Lists!
> toJSON [["cat", "dog"], ["mouse", "rabbit"]]
λJArr [JArr [JStr "cat",JStr "dog"],JArr [JStr "mouse",JStr "rabbit"]]
Bootstrapping Key-Value Tables
We can pull the same trick with key-value lists
instance (JSON a) => JSON [(String, a)] where
= JObj (map (\(k, v) -> (k, toJSON v)) kvs) toJSON kvs
after which, we are all set!
> toJSON lunches
λJArr [ JObj [ ("day",JStr "monday"), ("loc",JStr "zanzibar")]
JObj [("day",JStr "tuesday"), ("loc",JStr "farmers market")]
, ]
Bootstrapping Tuples
Lets bootstrap the serialization for tuples (upto some fixed size)
instance (JSON a, JSON b) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b)) where
= JObj
toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2))
[ (k1, toJSON v1)
, (k2, toJSON v2)
instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c)) where
= JObj
toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3))
[ (k1, toJSON v1)
, (k2, toJSON v2)
, (k3, toJSON v3)
instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d)) where
= JObj
toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4))
[ (k1, toJSON v1)
, (k2, toJSON v2)
, (k3, toJSON v3)
, (k4, toJSON v4)
instance (JSON a, JSON b, JSON c, JSON d, JSON e) => JSON ((String, a), (String, b), (String, c), (String,d), (String, e)) where
= JObj
toJSON ((k1, v1), (k2, v2), (k3, v3), (k4, v4), (k5, v5))
[ (k1, toJSON v1)
, (k2, toJSON v2)
, (k3, toJSON v3)
, (k4, toJSON v4)
, (k5, toJSON v5) ]
Now, we can simply write
= (("name" , "Ranjit")
hs "age" , 41.0)
,("likes" , ["guacamole", "coffee", "bacon"])
,("hates" , ["waiting", "grapefruit"])
,("lunches", lunches)
,( )
which is a Haskell value that describes our running JSON example, and can convert it directly like so
= toJSON hs js2
EXERCISE: Serializing Tables
To wrap everything up, lets write a routine to serialize our Table
instance JSON (Table k v) where
= ??? toJSON env
and presto! our serializer just works
>>> env0
Bind "cat" 10.0 (Bind "dog" 20.0 (Def 0))
>>> toJSON env0
JObj [ ("cat", JNum 10.0)
"dog", JNum 20.0)
, ("def", JNum 0.0)
, ( ]
Thats it for today.
We will see much more typeclass awesomeness in the next few lectures…