
Polymorphic Functions

Operate on different kinds values


What is the value of quiz?

A. True

B. False

C. Type Error

D. Run-time Exception

E. 101

With great power, comes great responsibility!

The input and output types are different!

Cannot feed the output of (greaterThan 10 0) into greaterThan 10!

Polymorphic Types

But the type of doTwice would have spared us this grief.

The signature has a type parameter t

  • re-use doTwice to increment Int or concat String or …

  • The first argument f must take input t and return output t (i.e. t -> t)

  • The second argument x must be of type t

  • Then f x will also have type t … and we can call f (f x).

But function is incompatible with doTwice

  • if its input and output types differ


Lets make sure you’re following!

What is the type of quiz?

A. a -> a

B. (a -> a) -> a

C. a -> b -> a -> b

D. a -> (a -> b) -> b

E. a -> b -> a


Lets make sure you’re following!

What is the value of quiz?

A. Type Error

B. Run-time Exception

C. True

D. False

E. 110

Polymorphic Data Structures

Today, lets see polymorphic data types

which contain many kinds of values.

Recap: Data Types

Recall that Haskell allows you to create brand new data types


What is the type of MkRect ?

a. Shape

b. Double

c. Double -> Double -> Shape

d. (Double, Double) -> Shape

e. [(Double, Double)] -> Shape

Tagged Boxes

Values of this type are either two doubles tagged with Rectangle

or a list of pairs of Double values tagged with Polygon

Data values inside special Tagged Boxes

Datatypes are Boxed-and-Tagged Values
Datatypes are Boxed-and-Tagged Values

Recursive Data Types

We can define datatypes recursively too

(Ignore the bit about deriving for now.)


What is the type of ICons ?

A. Int -> IntList -> List

B. IntList

C. Int -> IntList -> IntList

D. Int -> List -> IntList

E. IntList -> IntList

Constructing IntList

Can only build IntList via constructors.


Write down a representation of type IntList of the list of three numbers 1, 2 and 3.

Hint Recursion means boxes within boxes

Recursively Nested Boxes
Recursively Nested Boxes

Trees: Multiple Recursive Occurrences

We can represent Int trees like

A leaf is a box containing an Int tagged ILeaf e.g.

A node is a box containing two sub-trees tagged INode e.g.

Multiple Branching Factors

e.g. 2-3 trees

An example value of type Int23T would be

which looks like

Integer 2-3 Tree
Integer 2-3 Tree

Parameterized Types

We can define CharList or DoubleList - versions of IntList for Char and Double as

Don’t Repeat Yourself!

Don’t repeat definitions - Instead reuse the list structure across all types!

Find abstract data patterns by

  • identifying the different parts and
  • refactor those into parameters

A Refactored List

Here are the three types: What is common? What is different?

Common: Nil/Cons structure

Different: type of each “head” element

Refactored using Type Parameter

Recover original types as instances of List

Polymorphic Data has Polymorphic Constructors

Look at the types of the constructors

That is, the Empty tag is a value of any kind of list, and

Cons takes an a and a List a and returns a List a.

Polymorphic Function over Polymorphic Data

Lets write the list length function

len doesn’t care about the actual values in the list - only “counts” the number of Cons constructors

Hence len :: List a -> Int

  • we can call len on any kind of list.

Built-in Lists?

This is exactly how Haskell’s “built-in” lists are defined:

  • Nil is called []
  • Cons is called :

Many list manipulating functions e.g. in [Data.List][1] are polymorphic - Can be reused across all kinds of lists.

Generalizing Other Data Types

Polymorphic trees

Polymorphic 2-3 trees


List a corresponds to lists of values of type a.

If a is the type parameter, then what is List?

A type-constructor that - takes as input a type a - returns as output the type List a

But wait, if List is a type-constructor then what is its “type”?

  • A kind is the “type” of a type.

Thus, List is a function from any “type” to any other “type”, and so


What is the kind of ->? That, is what does GHCi say if we type

A. *

B. * -> *

C. * -> * -> *

We will not dwell too much on this now.

As you might imagine, they allow for all sorts of abstractions over data.

If interested, see this for more information about kinds.