Hello, World!
Welcome to CSE 230!
Principles of Programming Languages
Formal Semantics
Programs as Mathematical Objects
Computation is Specified by Programming Languages
Increased dependence implies increased need for analysis
- Safety Will this code crash?
- Security Will this code broadcast my social security number?
- Performance Will this code run in the appropriate time/space constraints?
CSE 230: PL/Programs are mathematical objects
Mental and Mechanical tools to reason about programs
Rigorous specification, analysis of PL/Programs...
... and thus, computation
CSE 230: Learning Outcomes
Goal: Mechanized Formal Semantics
Intellectual and Algorithmic tools for reasoning about program behavior
- What does a program mean?
- What does a program do?
- We will define these objects mathematically
- We will learn how to prove things about these objects
- We will learn to use a precise language and tools to write these proofs
Why bother with Formal Semantics?
... Won't LLMs like ChatGPT
, Claude
, Grok
, ... write all the programs?
Why bother with Formal Semantics?
Ranjit: What is the central thesis of "thinking fast and slow"?
Via claude
-- emphasis mine.
The central thesis of "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman is that human thinking operates in two distinct systems
System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional. It operates automatically with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control. It makes quick judgments based on familiar patterns, but is prone to systematic errors and cognitive biases.
System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. It allocates attention to effortful mental activities that demand it, including complex calculations and careful reasoning. While more reliable than System 1, it is lazy and often defers to System 1 unless specifically engaged.
Kahneman argues that while System 1 is remarkably capable, its biases and shortcuts (heuristics) can lead to predictable errors in judgment. Many of our decision-making problems stem from System 1 making quick judgments when slower, more analytical System 2 thinking would be more appropriate. Yet we can't simply turn off System 1 - both systems serve important functions and work together to shape our thoughts and decisions.
System 1 == LLMs vs System 2 == Formal Semantics
( H/T to Adithya Murali for the analogy... )
Why Formal Semantics in the age of LLMs?
LLMs ==> more code ==> more bugs
More need to really understand code!
More tools to help understand code!
(i.e. The more you rely on "system 1", the more you need "system 2"!)
Medium of instruction: Lean
Lean is a programming language and theorem prover
Used to write mathematical proofs that are automatically verified by the computer
Similar to many other theorem provers like Rocq (Coq), Agda, Isabelle, etc.
Used in academia and industry for formal verification
Two main features for CSE 230
Helps define and prove things about languages and programs
Example of state-of-the-art programming language
A quick taste of lean...
You can define functions...
def sum (n: Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 0 -- if n is 0, return 0
| m + 1 => m + 1 + sum m -- if n is m+1, return (m+1) + sum m
sum 5 ==> 5 + sum 4 ==> 5 + 4 + sum 3 ==> 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + sum 0 ==> 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0
You can evaluate i.e. "run" them ...
#eval sum 100
You can automatically check simple facts about them...
def i_had_soup_for_lunch : sum 100 = 5050 :=
And finally, you can write proofs for more complicated facts ...
theorem sum_eq : ∀ (n: Nat), 2 * sum n = n * (n + 1) := by
intro n
induction n
. case zero =>
. case succ =>
rename_i m ih
simp_arith [sum, ih, Nat.mul_add, Nat.mul_comm]
Lets talk about the course logistics...
Course Outline
About 2-ish weeks per topic, roughly following Concrete Semantics by Tobias Nipkow and Gerwin Klein
Part I: Basics of Lean and Proofs
- Expressions & Types
- Datatypes & Proofs
- Recursion & Induction & Evidence
Part II: Operational Semantics
- Big Step Semantics
- Small Step Semantics
Part III: Axiomatic Semantics
- Floyd-Hoare Logic
- VC Generation and Automated Verification
Part IV: Types
- Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
- Denotational Type Soundness
Basic functional programming
- e.g. as taught in UCSD CSE 130
- using languages like Scheme, Haskell, Ocaml, Scala, Rust, ...
Undergraduate level discrete mathematics,
- e.g. as taught in UCSD CSE 20
- boolean logic, quantifiers, sets, relations, ...
You may be able to take 130 if you're unfamiliar with the above but ...
Your grade will be calculated from assignments, exam, and participation
Handouts (15%) Most lectures will come with a 1-2 page handout, and you can submit the handout any time up until the start of the next lecture. Credit is given for reasonable effort in engaging with the material from the day on the handout.
Programming Assignments (40%) There will be a total of 5-6 programming assigments, to be done in pairs but submitted individually.
In Class Exams (45%) We will have three "in-class exams" Th 1/30 and Tu 2/25 and Th 3/13 each worth 15% of the grade.
Comprehensive Exam: For graduate students using this course for a comprehensive exam requirement, you must get "A" achievement on the exams.
Assignments (5-6)
- You can work with a partner, but submit individually
- Github Classroom + Codespaces
Assignment 0 Fill out this form to link UCSD ID and Github
And now, let the games begin...!