Expressions, Types and Functions

This material is based on sections 1-3 of Functional Programming in Lean


In lean, programs are built from expressions which (if well-typed) have a value.

1 + 23
3 * 412
1 + 2 * 3 + 411

Lean expressions are mathematical expressions as in Haskell, Ocaml, etc.

  • variables get a "bound" to a single value (no "re-assignment"),
  • expressions always evaluate to the same value ("no side effects")
  • if two expressions have the same value, then replacing one with the other will not cause the program to compute a different result.

To evaluate an expression, write #eval before it in your editor, and see the result by hovering over #eval.

#eval 1 + 2

#eval 3 * 4

#check 1 + 2 * 3 + 4


Every lean expression has a type.

The type tells lean -- without evaluating the expression -- what kind of value it will produce.

Why do Programming Languages need types???

Lean has a very sophisticated type system that we will learn more about soon...

To see the type of an expression, write #check before it in your editor,

Primitive: Nat

Lean has a "primitive" type Nat for natural numbers (0, 1, 2, ...) that we saw in the expressions above.

#check 1      -- Nat (natural number i.e. 0, 1, 2,...)

#check 1 + 2  -- Nat

QUIZ What is the value of the following expression?

#eval (5 - 10 : Int)


(A) 5                 0%
(B) 10                0%
(C) -5                30%
(D) 0                 5%
(E) None of the above 17%


Type Annotations

Sometimes lean can infer the type automatically.

But sometimes we have to (or want to) give it an annotation.

Primitive: Int

#check (1 : Int)      -- Int (..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,...)

#check (1 + 2 : Int)  -- Int

QUIZ What is the value of the following expression?

#eval (5 - 10 : Int)

Primitive: Float

#check 1.1      -- Float

#eval 1.1 + 2.2

Primitive: Bool

#eval true
#check true   -- Bool

#eval false
#check false  -- Bool

#eval true  && true
#eval true  && false
#eval false && true
#eval false && false

#eval true  || true
#eval true  || false
#eval false || true
#eval false || false

-- #eval false + 10    -- type error!

Primitive: String

#eval "Hello, " ++ "world!"
#check "Hello, " ++ "world!"  -- String

-- #eval "Hello, " ++ 10   -- type error!

-- #eval "Hello, " ++ world   -- unknown identifier!


We can name expressions using the def keyword.

def hello := "hello"
def world := "world"
def one := 1
def two := 2
def five_plus_ten   := 5 + 10
def five_minus_ten  := 5 - 10
def five_minus_ten' : Int := 5 - 10

You can now #check or #eval these definitions.

#check hello
#eval hello
#eval hello ++ world
#eval five_minus_ten
#eval five_minus_ten'


In lean, functions are also expressions, as in the λ-calculus.

#check (fun (n : Nat) => n + 1)         -- Nat -> Nat
#check (λ (n : Nat) => n + 1)           -- Nat -> Nat

#check (fun (x y : Nat) => x + y)       -- Nat -> (Nat -> Nat)
#check (λ (x y : Nat) => x + y)         -- Nat -> Nat -> Nat
#check (λ (x : Nat) => λ (y: Nat) => x + y)         -- Nat -> Nat -> Nat

QUIZ What is the type of the following expression?

Nat -> Nat -> Bool

#check (fun (x y : Nat) => x > y)

Function Calls

You can call a function by putting the arguments in front

#eval (fun x => x + 1) 10

#eval ((fun x y => x + y) 100) 200

((fun x y => x + y) 100) 200
((λ x => (λ y => x + y)) 100) 200
(( (λ y => 100 + y))) 200
100 + 200

QUIZ What is the value of the following expression?

#eval (fun x y => x > y) 10 20

Function Definitions

Of course, it is more convenient to name functions as well, using def since naming allows us to reuse the function in many places.

def inc := fun (x : Int)  => x + 1

def inc'(x: Int) := x + 1

#eval inc 10
#eval inc 20
-- #eval inc true  -- type error!

def add := fun (x y : Nat) => x + y
def add' (x y : Nat) := x + y

#eval add 10 20
#eval add' 10 20

It is often convenient to write the parameters of the function to the left

The below definitions of inc' and add' are equivalent to the above definitions of inc and add.

def inc'' (x : Int) : Int := x + 1

#eval inc'' 10     -- 11

def add'' (x y : Nat) : Nat := x + y

#eval add'' 10 20  -- 30

EXERCISE Write a function max that takes two Nats and returns the maximum of the two.

EXERCISE Write a function max3 that takes three Nats and uses max to compute the maximum of all three

EXERCISE Write a function joinStringsWith of type String -> String -> String -> String that creates a new string by placing its first argument between its second and third arguments.

def mymax (x y : Nat) := if x > y then x else y

def mymax3 (x y z : Nat) := mymax x (mymax y z)

#eval mymax 67 92

-- #eval joinStringsWith ", " "this" "that"  -- "this, that"
-- #check joinStringsWith ", " -- **QUIZ** What is the type of the expression on the left?

EXERCISE Write a function volume of type Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat which computes the volume of a brick given height, width, and depth.