set_option pp.fieldNotation false


This material is based on

Arithmetic Expressions

abbrev Val := Nat
abbrev Vname := String

inductive Aexp where
| num : Val -> Aexp
| var : Vname -> Aexp
| add : Aexp -> Aexp -> Aexp
deriving Repr

open Aexp

def aexp_5 := num 5
def aexp_x := var "x"
def aexp_x_plus_y := add (var "x") (var "y")
def aexp_2_plus_z_plus_3 := add (num 2) (add (var "z") (num 3))


abbrev State := Vname -> Val

-- initial state
def st0 : State := λ _ => 0

-- update state
def upd (s: State) (x: Vname) (v: Val) : State :=
  λ y => if y = x then v else s y

def st0' := upd st0 "x" 100

notation:10 st " [ " x " := " v " ] " => upd st x v

def st0'' := st0 [ "x" := 100 ] [ "y" := 99 ] [ "z" := 666 ]

#eval st0'' "z"


def aval (a: Aexp) (s: State) : Val :=
  match a with
  | num n => n
  | var x => s x
  | add a1 a2 => aval a1 s + aval a2 s

def st1 := st0 ["x" := 2] [ "y" := 10 ] [ "z" := 100 ]

example : aval aexp_5 st0 = 5 := rfl
example : aval aexp_x st0 = 0 := rfl

example : aval aexp_x_plus_y st1 = 12 := rfl
example : aval aexp_2_plus_z_plus_3 st1 = 105 := rfl

Constant Folding

Compilers often want to "simplify" expressions by performing, at compile time, various operations on constants.

For example, we may want to simplify an expression

add (var "x") (add (num 3) (num 1))

to just

add (var "x") (num 4)

We can implement this idea in a little recursive funciton asimp_const that does this form of constant folding in a bottom-up manner

def asimp_const (a: Aexp) : Aexp :=
  match a with
  | num n => num n
  | var x => var x
  | add a1 a2 => match asimp_const a1, asimp_const a2 with
                 | num n1, num n2 => num (n1 + n2)
                 | a1', a2' => add a1' a2'

Equivalence of Constant Folding

Lets prove that asimp_const does not change the meaning of the expression a.

theorem aval_asimp_const : ∀ a s, aval a s = aval (asimp_const a) s  := by

TACTIC: simp_all to simplify hypotheses

Lets flip the order of the equality.

-- REWRITING hypotheses: simp_all
theorem aval_asimp_const' : ∀ a s, aval (asimp_const a) s  = aval a s := by

Oh no! The exact same proof does not work! lean is stuck at the goal

s : State
a✝¹ a✝ : Aexp
n1✝ n2✝ : Val
x✝¹ : asimp_const a✝ = num n2✝
x✝ : asimp_const a✝¹ = num n1✝
ih2✝ : aval (asimp_const a✝¹) s = aval a✝¹ s
ih1✝ : aval (asimp_const a✝) s = aval a✝ s

⊢ n1✝ + n2✝ = aval a✝¹ s + aval a✝ s

Here, we have the hypotheses of the IH,

  • ih2✝ : aval (asimp_const a✝¹) s = aval a✝¹ s
  • ih1✝ : aval (asimp_const a✝) s = aval a✝ s

and separately we know that

  • ... : asimp_const a✝ = num n2✝
  • ... : asimp_const a✝¹ = num n1✝

So what we want is to apply the above "knowledge" to rewrite the ih1✝ and ih2✝, which is achieved by the tactic simp_all; which then makes the proof go through.

Extended Folding with a Smart Constructor

Lets extend the constant folding so that additions-by-zero are dropped, i.e. add (num 0) a or add a (num 0) just become a.

A clean way to do so is by writing a smart constructor plus which handles both the num-num-addition and the zero-addition cases as

def plus (a1 a2: Aexp) : Aexp :=
  match a1, a2 with
  | num n1, num n2 => num (n1 + n2)
  | num n , a      => if n = 0 then a else add (num n) a
  | a, num n       => if n = 0 then a else add a (num n)
  | _, _           => add a1 a2

We can now write a general simplifier asimp that recursively traverses the Aexp and invokes plus at each add

def asimp (a: Aexp) : Aexp :=
  match a with
  | num n => num n
  | var x => var x
  | add a1 a2 => plus (asimp a1) (asimp a2)

Lets try to prove that asimp does not change the meaning of an expression.

theorem aval_asimp_stuck : ∀ a s, aval a s = aval (asimp a) s := by
  intros a s
  induction a <;> simp [asimp, aval, *]

Oof. The "direct" proof-by-induction is stuck. Can you think of a suitable "helper lemma"?

Yikes, we're stuck with a goal that looks like

⊢ aval (asimp a✝¹) s + aval (asimp a✝) s = aval (plus (asimp a✝¹) (asimp a✝)) s

We need a helper lemma that might tell us what aval (plus a1 a2) s should evaluate to?

theorem aval_aplus' : ∀ a1 a2 s,  aval (plus a1 a2) s = aval a1 s + aval a2 s := by
  intros a1 a2 s
  cases a1 <;> cases a2 <;> simp_arith [aval, plus] <;> sorry

The split tactic

Hmm, now we're left with a goal that looks like

s : State
a✝¹ : Val
a✝ : Vname
⊢ aval (if a✝¹ = 0 then var a✝ else add (num a✝¹) (var a✝)) s = a✝¹ + s a✝

We need to "split-cases" on the if a✝¹ = 0 branch ... convenient to do so with split (and then keep simp-ing!)

theorem aval_plus: ∀ a1 a2 s, aval (plus a1 a2) s = aval a1 s + aval a2 s := by
  intros a1 a2

We can use this helper to complete the proof

theorem aval_asimp : ∀ a s, aval a s = aval (asimp a) s := by
  intros a s
  induction a <;> simp [asimp, aval, aval_plus, *]

Boolean Expressions

Lets define a datatype for boolean expressions

inductive Bexp where
  | bbool : Bool -> Bexp
  | bnot  : Bexp  -> Bexp
  | band  : Bexp  -> Bexp -> Bexp
  | bless : Aexp  -> Aexp -> Bexp
  deriving Repr

open Bexp

Boolean Evaluator

def bval (b: Bexp) (s: State) : Bool :=
  match b with
  | bbool v => v
  | bnot b' => !bval b' s
  | band b1 b2 => bval b1 s && bval b2 s
  | bless a1 a2 => aval a1 s < aval a2 s

"Smart Constructors" for Boolean Constant Folding

def smart_and (b1 b2: Bexp) : Bexp :=
  match b1, b2 with
  | bbool true, _  => b2
  | bbool false, _ => bbool false
  | _, bbool true  => b1
  | _, bbool false => bbool false
  | _, _           => band b1 b2

def smart_not (b: Bexp) : Bexp :=
  match b with
  | bbool true  => bbool false
  | bbool false => bbool true
  | _           => bnot b

def smart_less (a1 a2: Aexp) : Bexp :=
  match a1, a2 with
  | num n1, num n2 => bbool (n1 < n2)
  | _, _           => bless a1 a2

def bsimp (b: Bexp) : Bexp :=
  match b with
  | bbool v    => bbool v
  | bnot b     => smart_not (bsimp b)
  | band b1 b2 => smart_and (bsimp b1) (bsimp b2)
  | bless a1 a2 => smart_less (asimp a1) (asimp a2)

Smart Constructors are Equivalent

theorem smart_not_eq : ∀ b s, bval (smart_not b) s = bval (bnot b) s := by
  intros b s
  cases b
  . case bbool v => cases v <;> rfl
  . case bnot    => rfl
  . case band    => rfl
  . case bless   => rfl

theorem smart_and_eq : ∀ b1 b2 s,
  bval (smart_and b1 b2) s = bval (band b1 b2) s := by
  intros b1 b2 s
  cases b1 <;> cases b2 <;> simp_all [smart_and, bval] <;> split <;> simp_all [bval]

theorem smart_less_eq : ∀ a1 a2 s, bval (smart_less a1 a2) s = bval (bless a1 a2) s := by
  intros a1 a2 s
  cases a1 <;> cases a2 <;> simp_all [smart_less, bval, aval]

Correctness of Boolean Simplification

Lets prove that bval_bsimp b does not change the meaning of an expression b.

theorem bval_bsimp_stuck : ∀ b s, bval b s = bval (bsimp b) s := by
  intros b s

Backwards Rewriting / Simplification

Boo! We cannot use aval_asimp directly.

The simp uses a theorem of the form lhs = rhs to rewrite occurrences of lhs with rhs. In this case, however,

  • the theorem aval_asimp says aval a s = aval (asimp a) s

  • but the goal contains a term aval (asimp a') s

  • where we want to rewrite the RHS of the theorem with the LHS!

You can do this either by

  1. making a new theorem where the LHS and RHS are flipped (which is a bit silly...)

  2. or instead by specifying <- in the simp tactic.

theorem bval_bsimp : ∀ b s, bval b s = bval (bsimp b) s := by
  intros b s

Case Study: Compiling to a Stack Machine

In this case study, we will define a "stack machine" that operates on a stack of values.


Given an a : Aexp , say

((x + 10) + (5 + y))

We will compile it into a sequence of "instructions" that operate on a stack.


Lets execute this sequence of instructions on a state s defined as [x |-> 100, y |-> 200] as

--> LOAD x
--> LOADI 10
[10, 100]
--> ADD
--> LOADI 5
[5, 110]
--> LOAD y
[200, 5, 110]
--> ADD
[205, 110]
--> ADD

Note that the final result left on the stack is 315 which is exactly what aval a s would return.

Let's define a "compiler" and "exec" function and prove that the compiler is correct!

Stack Machine: Instructions

inductive Instr where
  | LOADI : Val -> Instr
  | LOAD  : Vname -> Instr
  | ADD   : Instr
  deriving Repr

open Instr

Stack Machine: Interpreter

A Stack is just a list of values

abbrev Stack := List Val

Here's a function exec1 that executes a single instruction

def exec1 (s:State) (i:Instr) (stk:Stack) : Stack :=
  match i, stk with
  | LOADI n, _         => (n :: stk)
  | LOAD  x, _         => (s x :: stk)
  | ADD    , n::m::stk => (m + n) :: stk
  | ADD    , _         => []

Here's a function exec that executes a sequence of instructions by invoking exec1 on each instruction.

def exec (s:State) (is: List Instr) (stk:Stack) : Stack :=
  match is with
  | []     => stk
  | i::is' => exec s is' (exec1 s i stk)

Stack Machine: Compiler

Here's a function that "compiles" an Aexp into a List Instr

def comp (a: Aexp) : List Instr :=
  match a with
  | num n => [LOADI n]
  | var x => [LOAD  x]
  | add a1 a2 => comp a1 ++ comp a2 ++ [ADD]

Proving Compiler Correctness

theorem comp_exec_stuck : ∀ {s : State} {a : Aexp} { stk : Stack },
  exec s (comp a) stk = aval a s :: stk := by
  intro s a stk
  induction a generalizing s stk
  case num n => rfl
  case var x => rfl
  case add a1 a2 ih1 ih2 => simp_all [comp, aval, exec, exec1]; sorry

Oh no! We're stuck, what helper lemma do we need?

theorem comp_exec : ∀ {s : State} {a : Aexp} { stk : Stack },
  exec s (comp a) stk = aval a s :: stk := by
  intro s a stk
  induction a generalizing s stk
  case num n => rfl
  case var x => rfl