import Cse230wi25.BigStep
import Cse230wi25.L07Axiomatic

set_option pp.fieldNotation false
set_option pp.proofs true

Automating Floyd-Hoare with Verification Conditions

FH rules are nice but still quite tedious to use, because it seems like we need to spell out

  1. where to apply which rule
  2. how exactly the rules of consequence work


In fact, the rules are mostly syntax directed meaning that there is exactly one rule that can be applied for each kind of term.

  • The rules of consequence
  • The loop invariant

Next, lets see how we can automate away more or less everything except the above.

Annotated Commands

Lets assume that the programmer has annotated their code with the loop invariant, so we can define a ACom type which looks just like the previous Com except for the loop constructor which is now of the form While inv b c case, so the inv is baked into the code.

inductive ACom where
  | Skip   : ACom
  | Assign : Vname -> Aexp -> ACom
  | Seq    : ACom  -> ACom -> ACom
  | If     : Bexp  -> ACom -> ACom -> ACom
  | While  : Assertion -> Bexp  -> ACom -> ACom

open ACom

In fact, if we erase the inv from each while, we can convert an ACom program back into the old Com programs.

def erase (c : ACom) : Com :=
  match c with
  | ACom.Skip        => Com.Skip
  | ACom.Assign x a  => Com.Assign x a
  | ACom.Seq c1 c2   => Com.Seq     (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | ACom.If b c1 c2  => Com.If b    (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | ACom.While _ b c => Com.While b (erase c)

As before we can define some "notation" to make it easier to write ACom programs.

|- {λ s => inv s /\ bval b s} c {λs => inv s}

One lean-y way to say that inv is an invariant:

∀ {s, t}, ⟨ c , s ⟩ ==> t -> inv s -> bval b s -> inv t

wp : Com -> Assertion -> Assertion

{λ s => inv s /\ bval b s} ⊆ wp c inv

notation:10 x "<~" e  => ACom.Assign x (ToAexp.toAexp e)
infixr:20 ";;"  => ACom.Seq
notation:10 "IF" b "THEN" c1 "ELSE" c2 => ACom.If b c1 c2
notation:12 "WHILE {-@" inv "@-}" b "DO" c "END" => ACom.While inv (ToBexp.toBexp b) c
notation:20 "[|" c "|]" => erase c
notation:10 "⊢" " {|" p "|}" c "{|" q "|}" => FH p (erase c) q

-- REPEAT c UNTIL b == c ;; WHILE (not c) DO c END

Specifically, note the ⊢ {| p |} c {| q |} triple which means that the triple holds for the erased command c.

Weakest Preconditions

The central idea is reformulate the FH rules into the notion of the weakest precondition wp c q which defines the largest set of starting states from which executing the command c will yield a final state in which the assertion q is guaranteed to hold.

def wp (c: ACom) (q : Assertion) : Assertion :=
  match c with
  | ACom.Skip        => q
  | ACom.Assign x a  => q [[ x := a ]]
  | ACom.Seq c1 c2   => wp c1 (wp c2 q)
  | ACom.If b c1 c2  => (λ s => if bval b s then wp c1 q s else wp c2 q s)
  | ACom.While i _ _ => i

def vc (c : ACom) (q : Assertion) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | ACom.Skip        => True
  | ACom.Assign _ _  => True
  | ACom.Seq c1 c2   => vc c1 (wp c2 q) /\ (vc c2 q)
  | ACom.If _ c1 c2  => vc c1 q /\ vc c2 q
  | ACom.While i b c =>
                        -- ((λ s => i s /\ bval b s) ⊆ (wp c i)) /\
                        (∀ s, i s -> bval b s -> wp c i s) /\
                        (∀ s, i s -> ¬ bval b s -> q s) /\
                        vc c i

theorem vc_sound : vc c q -> (⊢ {| wp c q |} c {| q |})
  := by
  intros vcq
  induction c generalizing q
  . case Skip   => constructor
  . case Assign => constructor
  . case Seq    =>
    rename_i c1 c2 ih1 ih2
    simp [vc] at vcq
    cases vcq
    simp []
    apply ih1
    apply ih2
  . case If     => sorry
  . case While  => sorry

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

def vc' (p: Assertion) (c: ACom) (q: Assertion) : Prop := (p ⊆ wp c q) ∧ (vc c q)

theorem vc'_sound : (vc' p c q) -> (⊢ {| p |} c {| q |}) := by
  intros vcq
  cases vcq
  rename_i vc1 vc2
  apply FH.CnsL
  apply vc_sound; assumption
  apply vc1

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

theorem ex_swap : ∀ {a b},
  ⊢ {| λs => s x = a /\ s y = b |}
      (z <~ x) ;;
      (x <~ y) ;;
      (y <~ z)
    {| λs => s x = b /\ s y = a |}
  := by
  intros a b
  apply vc'_sound
  simp [vc', aval, upd]
  intros; constructor <;> assumption

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

theorem ex1 :
  ⊢ {| tt |}
    x <~ 5
    {| λs => s x = 5 |}
  := by
  apply vc'_sound
  simp_all [aval, upd]

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

theorem ex2 :
  ⊢ {| λs => s x = 10 /\ s y = 1 |}  -- (2) ??
      (x <~ x + y) ;;
      (x <~ x + y)
    {| λs => s x = 12 |}  -- (1) ??
  := by
  apply vc'_sound; simp_all [aval, upd]

-- (1) change POST to λ s => s x = 12 /\ s y = 1
-- (2) change PRE  to λ s => s x = 10 /\ s y = 1

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

theorem ex4 :
  ⊢ {| tt |}
    WHILE {-@ tt @-} true DO
    {| ff |}
  := by
  apply vc'_sound
  simp [vc', bval]

vc' tt (while {tt} true skip) ff
vc (while {tt} true skip) ff

-- (1) tt /\ true => (wp Skip inv)
-- (2) tt /\ not true => ff

  -- simp_all [aval, bval]

/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -/

-- x=100, 100+0, 100+0+1, 100+0+1+2, 100+0+1+2+3,... 100+0+1+2+3+...+(z-1)

theorem ex_loop :
  ⊢ {| tt |}
      (y <~ 0)   ;;
      (x <~ 100) ;;
      (WHILE {-@ λs => 100 <= s x  @-} y << z DO
         ((x <~ x + y) ;;
          (y <~ y + 1))
    {| λ s => 100 <= s x |}
  := by
  apply vc'_sound
  simp [bval, aval, upd]
  . intros s x_100 _
    calc 100 <= s x       := by assumption
         _   <= s x + s y := by simp []
  . intros; assumption

(x:=n, y:=0)
(x:=n-1, y := 1)
(x:=n-2, y := 2)
(x:=n-3, y := 3)
(x:=1,   y := n-1)
(x:=0,   y := n)

(x:=0,   y := n)

theorem bob : ∀ {a b}, 0 < a -> a - 1 + (b + 1) = a + b := by
  intros a b a_pos

  cases a
  . contradiction
  . simp_arith []

theorem ex_drain: ∀ {n: Nat},
  ⊢ {| λ s => s x = n |}
      (y <~ 0)
      (WHILE {-@ λ s => s x + s y = n @-} 0 << x DO
         ((x <~ x - 1) ;;
          (y <~ y + 1))
    {| λ s => s y = n |}
  := by
  intro n
  apply vc'_sound
  simp [bval, aval, upd]
  . intros s xy_n x_pos; simp [<-xy_n]; apply bob; assumption
  . intros s xy_n x_0; simp_all[]

x:=n, y:=0
x:=n-1, y:=0 +)
x:=n-2, y:=0 +n + (n-1)
x:=n-3, y:=0 +n + (n-1) +(n-2)
x:=0  , y:=0 +n + (n-1) +(n-2)+ ...+ 1


theorem imp_sum' : ∀ {n},
  ⊢ {| λ s => s "x" = n |}
      (y <~ 0) ;;
      (WHILE {-@ λs => s y + sum (s x) = sum n @-} (0 << x) DO
        (y <~ y + x) ;;
        (x <~ x - 1)
    {| λ s => s "y" = sum n |}
  := by
  intros n
  apply vc'_sound
  simp_all [aval, bval, upd]
  constructor <;> repeat constructor
  . case a.left =>
    rename_i s a b
    generalize hx : s x = vx
    cases vx <;> simp_all [sum, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm]

  . case a.right =>
    rename_i s _ _
    generalize hx : s x = vx
    cases vx <;> simp_all [sum, Nat.add_assoc]