set_option pp.fieldNotation false

Datatypes and Recursion

This material is based on

namespace MyNat

inductive Nat where
  | zero : Nat
  | succ : Nat -> Nat
  deriving Repr

open Nat

def add (n m : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | zero => m
  | succ n' => succ (add n' m)

Trick 1: Helper Lemmas

Example add_comm

Let's try to prove that add is commutative; that is, that the order of arguments does not matter.

If we plunge into trying a direct proof-by-induction, we get stuck at two places.

  1. What is the value of add m zero ?
  2. What is the value of add m (succ n) ?

It will be convenient to have helper lemmas that tell us that

  1. ∀ m, add m zero = m
  2. ∀ n m, add n (succ m) = succ (add n m)
theorem add_comm : ∀ (n m: Nat), add n m = add m n := by
  intros n m
  induction n

end MyNat

open List

Example rev_rev

Lets look at another example where we will need helper lemmas.

Appending lists

def app {α : Type} (xs ys: List α) : List α :=
  match xs with
  | [] => ys
  | x::xs' => x :: app xs' ys

app [] [3,4,5] = [3,4,5]

app (2::[]) [3,4,5] = [3,4,5]
2 :: [3,4,5]

example : app [] [3,4,5] = [3,4,5] := rfl
example : app [0,1,2] [3,4,5] = [0,1,2,3,4,5] := rfl

Reversing lists

def rev {α : Type} (xs: List α) : List α :=
 match xs with
  | [] => []
  | x :: xs' => app (rev xs') [x]

example : rev [] = ([] : List Int) := rfl
example : rev [3] = [3] := rfl
example : rev [2,3] = [3,2] := rfl
example : rev [0,1,2,3] = [3,2,1,0] := rfl
example : rev (rev [0,1,2,3]) = [0,1,2,3] := rfl

rev [0,1,2,3] => rev (0 :: [1,2,3]) => app (rev [1,2,3]) [0] => app [3,2,1] [0] => [3,2,1,0]

Now, lets prove that the above was not a fluke: if you reverse a list twice then you get back the original list.

theorem rev_app : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
  rev (app xs ys) = app (rev ys) (rev xs) := by

rev (app xs ys) == app (rev ys) (rev xs)
rev (app [x1,x2,x3,...xn] [y1...ym])
== rev [x1...xn, y1...ym]
== [ym ... y1, xn ... x1]
== app [ym ... y1] [xn ... x1]
== app (rev ys) (rev xs)

-- |- rev (app (rev xs') [x]) = x :: xs'
      app (rev [x]) (rev (rev xs'))

theorem rev_rev : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), rev (rev xs) = xs := by
  intros α xs
  induction xs
  . case nil =>
  . case cons x xs' ih =>
    simp [rev, rev_app, app, ih]

Yikes. We're stuck again. What helper lemmas could we need?

Trick 2: Generalizing the Variables

Consider the below variant of add.

How is it different than the original?

open MyNat.Nat

def itadd (n m: MyNat.Nat) : MyNat.Nat :=
  match n with
  | zero => m
  | succ n' => itadd n' (succ m)

  itadd (s s s z) (s s s s s z)
  itadd (s s z) (s s s s s s z)
  itadd (s z) (s s s s s s s z)
  itadd (z) (s s s s s s s s z)
  (s s s s s s s s z)

example : itadd (succ (succ zero)) (succ zero) = succ (succ (succ zero)):= by rfl

Lets try to prove that itadd is equivalent to add.

add n' (succ m) == succ (add n' m)

theorem add_succ : ∀ (n m), MyNat.add n (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n m) := by

theorem itadd_eq : ∀ (n m), itadd n m = MyNat.add n m := by
  intros n
  induction n
  . case zero => simp [itadd, MyNat.add]
  . case succ n' ih =>
    simp [MyNat.add, itadd, add_succ, ih]

Ugh! Why does the proof fail???

We are left with the goal

m n' : MyNat.Nat
ih : itadd n' m = MyNat.add n' m
⊢ itadd n' (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n' m)

IH is too weak

In the goal above, the ih only talks about itadd n m but says nothing about itadd n (succ m). In fact, the IH should be true for all values of m as we do not really care about m in this theorem. That is, we want to tell lean that the ih should be

m n' : MyNat.Nat
ih : ∀ m, itadd n' m = MyNat.add n' m
⊢ itadd n' (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n' m)

Generalizing We can do so, by using the induction n generalizing m which tells lean that

  • we are doing induction on n and
  • we don't care about the value of m

Now, go and see what the ih looks like in the case succ ...

This time we can actually use the ih and so the proof works.

theorem add_succ : ∀ (n m), MyNat.add n (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n m) := by

theorem itadd_eq' : ∀ (n m: MyNat.Nat), itadd n m = MyNat.add n m := by
  intros n m
  induction n generalizing m
  case zero => simp [MyNat.add, itadd]
  case succ => simp [MyNat.add, MyNat.add_succ, itadd, *]

Trick 3: Generalizing the Induction Hypothesis

Often, the thing you want to prove is not "inductive" by itself. Meaning, that you want to prove a goal ∀n. P(n) but in fact you need to prove something stronger like ∀n. P(n) /\ Q(n) or even ∀n m, Q(n, m) which then implies your goal.

Example: Tail-Recursive sum

sum 3
3 + sum 2
3 + 2 + sum 1
3 + 2 + 1 + sum 0
3 + 2 + 1 + 0
def sum (n : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | 0 => 0
  | n' + 1 => n + sum n'

def loop (n res : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | 0      => res
  | n' + 1 => loop n' (res + n)

def sum_tr (n: Nat) := loop n 0

-- loop (n' + 1) 0 == sum (n' + 1)
-- loop a 0  == sum a
-- loop n res  == (sum n) + res

theorem loop_sum : ∀ n res, loop n res = (sum n) + res := by
  intros n res
  induction n generalizing res
  . case zero =>
    simp [loop, sum]
  . case succ n' ih =>
    simp_arith [loop, sum, ih]

theorem sum_eq_sum_tr : ∀ n, sum_tr n = sum n := by
  simp [sum_tr, loop_sum]


fn sum(mut n: Nat) -> Nat {
  let mut res = 0
  while let S n' = n {
    res = res + n;
    n   = n';

Tail-Recursively Summing

In an iterative language you might write a loop to sum the numbers n + n-1 + ... + 0 e.g.

fn main() {
fn sum_tr(mut n: Nat) {
  let mut acc = 0;
  while let succ m = n {
    acc += n;
    n = m
  return acc

We can write the above with tail-recursion

  • The recursive call is the "last thing" the function does
  • That is, the recursive result is returned without any further computation

NOTE: Go and look at itadd; is it tail recursive?

-- def sum_tr (n acc : Nat) : Nat :=
--   match n with
--   | 0 => acc
--   | n' + 1 => sum_tr n' (n + acc)

-- def sum' (n: Nat) := sum_tr n 0

Lets try to prove that sum and sum' always compute the same result.

theorem sum_eq_sum' : ∀ n, sum n = sum' n := by
  intros n
  induction n

Oops, we are stuck.

We need to know something about sum_tr n' (n' + 1) but what?

Can you think of a suitable helper lemma, which would let us directly prove sum_eq_sum'?

theorem helper: ∀ n acc, sum_tr n acc = sum n + acc := by ...

theorem sum_eq_sum' : ∀ n, sum' n = sum n := by
  simp_arith [sum', helper]
open List

Example: Tail-Recursive sum_list

Summing a List*

def sum_list (xs : List Nat) : Nat :=
  match xs with
  | [] => 0
  | x ::xs' => x + sum_list xs'

Tail-Recursively Summing a List*

In an iterative language you might write a loop to sum the elements of a list, e.g.

fn main() {
fn sum_list(xs: List<Nat>) {
  let mut acc = 0;
  while let cons x ys = xs {
    acc += x;
    xs = ys
  return acc

We can write the above with tail-recursion (where the recursive call is the "last thing") that the function does. (Hint: Go and look at itadd; is it tail recursive?)

def sum_list_tr (xs : List Nat) (acc : Nat): Nat :=
  match xs with
  | [] => acc
  | x :: ys => sum_list_tr ys (acc + x)

def sum_list' (xs: List Nat) := sum_list_tr xs 0

Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma that would let us complete the proof of sum_list_eq_sum_list' below?

theorem sum_list'_eq : ∀ (xs acc), sum_list_tr xs acc = sum_list xs + acc := by

theorem sum_list_eq_sum_list' : ∀ xs, sum_list' xs = sum_list xs := by
  intros xs
  simp_arith [sum_list', sum_list'_eq]

Example: Tail-Recursive Reverse

rev_tr [0,1,2,3]
loop [0,1,2,3] []
loop [1,2,3] [0]
loop [2,3] [1, 0]
loop [3] [2, 1, 0]
loop [] [3, 2, 1, 0]
def rev_tr {α : Type} (xs res: List α) : List α :=
  match xs with
  | [] => res
  | x ::xs' => rev_tr xs' (x :: res)

def rev' (xs: List α) := rev_tr xs []

example : rev' [0,1,2,3] = [3,2,1,0] := by rfl

Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma rev_tr_app that would let us complete the proof of rev_eq_rev' below?

rev_tr xs [] == rev xs

rev_tr xs res
  == [xn, ...x3, x2,x1, 99]
  == rev xs ++ res
theorem app_nil : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), app xs [] = xs := by

theorem rev_tr_helper_theorem : ∀ {α : Type} (xs res : List α),
  rev_tr xs res = app (rev xs) res := by sorry

theorem rev_eq_rev' : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), rev' xs = rev xs := by
  intros α xs
  simp [rev', rev_tr_helper_theorem, app_nil]

Example: Tail-Recursive Evaluator

Arithmetic Expressions

inductive Aexp : Type where
  | const : Nat -> Aexp
  | plus  : Aexp -> Aexp -> Aexp
  deriving Repr

open Aexp

def two_plus_three := plus (const 2) (const 3)
    /          \
   bob_const   bob_const
   |            |
   2            3

Evaluating Expressions

def eval (e: Aexp) : Nat :=
  match e with
  | const n => n
  | plus e1 e2 => eval e1 + eval e2

#eval eval two_plus_three

def eval_acc (e: Aexp) (res: Nat) : Nat :=
  match e with
  | const n => n + res
  | plus e1 e2 => eval_acc e2 (eval_acc e1 res)

def eval' (e: Aexp) := eval_acc e 0

example : eval' two_plus_three = eval two_plus_three := by rfl
eval' two_plus_three
eval' (plus (const 2) (const 3))
eval_acc (plus (const 2) (const 3)) 0
eval_acc (const 3) (eval_acc (const 2) 0)
eval_acc (const 3) ( 2 + 0)
eval_acc (const 3) 2
3 + 2

QUIZ: Is eval_acc tail recursive?

Lets try to prove that eval' and eval are "equivalent".

Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma that would let us complete the proof of eval_eq_eval'?

theorem magic_theorem : ∀ e res, eval_acc e res = eval e + res := by
  intros e res
  induction e generalizing res
  . case const n => rfl
  . case plus e1 e2 ih1 ih2 =>
    simp_arith [eval, eval_acc, ih1, ih2]

theorem eval_eq_eval' : ∀ e, eval e = eval' e := by
  intros e
  simp [eval', magic_theorem]

Trick 4: Functional Induction

Based on Joachim Breitner's notes on Functional Induction

def len (xs: List α) : Nat :=
  match xs with
  | [] => 0
  | _::xs' => 1 + len xs'

def alt (xs ys : List α) : List α :=
  match xs, ys with
  | [], ys => ys
  | xs, [] => xs
  | x::xs', y::ys' => x :: y :: alt xs' ys'

#eval alt [1,2,3,4] [10]

First, lets try a "brute force" proof.

exp ::= const c | var | plus exp exp | mult exp exp

    (const 7)
    (mult (var (mult var var)))))
    (mult (const 2) (mult var var))
    (const 10))

7x^3 + 2*x^2 + 10

5x^3 + 12*x^2

[7, 2, 0, 10]

[5, 12, 0, 0]

[12, 14, 0, 10]
theorem alt_len_easy : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
  len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
  intros α xs ys
  induction xs, ys using alt.induct
  . case case1 => simp [alt, len]
  . case case2 => simp [alt, len]
  . case case3 x xs' y ys' ih => simp_arith [alt, len, *]

theorem alt_len : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
  len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
  intros α xs ys
  induction xs
  . case nil =>
    simp [alt, len]
  . case cons x xs' ih_xs =>
    induction ys
    . case nil =>
      simp [alt, len]
    . case cons y ys' ih_ys =>
      simp [alt, len, *]

Instead, it can be easier to do the same induction as mirrors the recursion in alt

theorem alt_len' : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α), len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
  intros α xs ys
  induction xs, ys using alt.induct
  . case case1 => simp [alt, len]
  . case case2 => simp [alt, len]
  . case case3 => simp_arith [alt, len, *]