set_option pp.fieldNotation false
Datatypes and Recursion
This material is based on
- Chapter 2 of Concrete Semantics
- Induction Exercises by James Wilcox
namespace MyNat
inductive Nat where
| zero : Nat
| succ : Nat -> Nat
deriving Repr
open Nat
def add (n m : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| zero => m
| succ n' => succ (add n' m)
Trick 1: Helper Lemmas
Example add_comm
Let's try to prove that add
is commutative; that is, that the order of arguments does not matter.
If we plunge into trying a direct proof-by-induction, we get stuck at two places.
- What is the value of
add m zero
? - What is the value of
add m (succ n)
It will be convenient to have helper lemmas that tell us that
∀ m, add m zero = m
∀ n m, add n (succ m) = succ (add n m)
theorem add_comm : ∀ (n m: Nat), add n m = add m n := by
intros n m
induction n
end MyNat
open List
Example rev_rev
Lets look at another example where we will need helper lemmas.
Appending lists
def app {α : Type} (xs ys: List α) : List α :=
match xs with
| [] => ys
| x::xs' => x :: app xs' ys
app [] [3,4,5] = [3,4,5]
app (2::[]) [3,4,5] = [3,4,5]
2 :: [3,4,5]
example : app [] [3,4,5] = [3,4,5] := rfl
example : app [0,1,2] [3,4,5] = [0,1,2,3,4,5] := rfl
Reversing lists
def rev {α : Type} (xs: List α) : List α :=
match xs with
| [] => []
| x :: xs' => app (rev xs') [x]
example : rev [] = ([] : List Int) := rfl
example : rev [3] = [3] := rfl
example : rev [2,3] = [3,2] := rfl
example : rev [0,1,2,3] = [3,2,1,0] := rfl
example : rev (rev [0,1,2,3]) = [0,1,2,3] := rfl
rev [0,1,2,3] => rev (0 :: [1,2,3]) => app (rev [1,2,3]) [0] => app [3,2,1] [0] => [3,2,1,0]
Now, lets prove that the above was not a fluke: if you reverse a list twice then you get back the original list.
theorem rev_app : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
rev (app xs ys) = app (rev ys) (rev xs) := by
rev (app xs ys) == app (rev ys) (rev xs)
rev (app [x1,x2,x3,...xn] [y1...ym])
== rev [x1...xn, y1...ym]
== [ym ... y1, xn ... x1]
== app [ym ... y1] [xn ... x1]
== app (rev ys) (rev xs)
-- |- rev (app (rev xs') [x]) = x :: xs'
app (rev [x]) (rev (rev xs'))
theorem rev_rev : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), rev (rev xs) = xs := by
intros α xs
induction xs
. case nil =>
. case cons x xs' ih =>
simp [rev, rev_app, app, ih]
Yikes. We're stuck again. What helper lemmas could we need?
Trick 2: Generalizing the Variables
Consider the below variant of add
How is it different than the original?
open MyNat.Nat
def itadd (n m: MyNat.Nat) : MyNat.Nat :=
match n with
| zero => m
| succ n' => itadd n' (succ m)
itadd (s s s z) (s s s s s z)
itadd (s s z) (s s s s s s z)
itadd (s z) (s s s s s s s z)
itadd (z) (s s s s s s s s z)
(s s s s s s s s z)
example : itadd (succ (succ zero)) (succ zero) = succ (succ (succ zero)):= by rfl
Lets try to prove that itadd
is equivalent to add
add n' (succ m) == succ (add n' m)
theorem add_succ : ∀ (n m), MyNat.add n (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n m) := by
theorem itadd_eq : ∀ (n m), itadd n m = MyNat.add n m := by
intros n
induction n
. case zero => simp [itadd, MyNat.add]
. case succ n' ih =>
simp [MyNat.add, itadd, add_succ, ih]
Ugh! Why does the proof fail???
We are left with the goal
m n' : MyNat.Nat
ih : itadd n' m = MyNat.add n' m
⊢ itadd n' (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n' m)
IH is too weak
In the goal above, the ih
only talks about itadd n m
but says nothing
about itadd n (succ m)
. In fact, the IH should be true for all values of m
as we do not really care about m
in this theorem. That is, we want to tell
that the ih
should be
m n' : MyNat.Nat
ih : ∀ m, itadd n' m = MyNat.add n' m
⊢ itadd n' (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n' m)
We can do so, by using the induction n generalizing m
which tells lean
- we are doing induction on
and - we don't care about the value of
Now, go and see what the ih
looks like in the case succ ...
This time we can actually use the ih
and so the proof works.
theorem add_succ : ∀ (n m), MyNat.add n (succ m) = succ (MyNat.add n m) := by
theorem itadd_eq' : ∀ (n m: MyNat.Nat), itadd n m = MyNat.add n m := by
intros n m
induction n generalizing m
case zero => simp [MyNat.add, itadd]
case succ => simp [MyNat.add, MyNat.add_succ, itadd, *]
Trick 3: Generalizing the Induction Hypothesis
Often, the thing you want to prove is not "inductive" by itself. Meaning, that
you want to prove a goal ∀n. P(n)
but in fact you need to prove something stronger
like ∀n. P(n) /\ Q(n)
or even ∀n m, Q(n, m)
which then implies your goal.
Example: Tail-Recursive sum
sum 3
3 + sum 2
3 + 2 + sum 1
3 + 2 + 1 + sum 0
3 + 2 + 1 + 0
def sum (n : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 0
| n' + 1 => n + sum n'
def loop (n res : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => res
| n' + 1 => loop n' (res + n)
def sum_tr (n: Nat) := loop n 0
-- loop (n' + 1) 0 == sum (n' + 1)
-- loop a 0 == sum a
-- loop n res == (sum n) + res
theorem loop_sum : ∀ n res, loop n res = (sum n) + res := by
intros n res
induction n generalizing res
. case zero =>
simp [loop, sum]
. case succ n' ih =>
simp_arith [loop, sum, ih]
theorem sum_eq_sum_tr : ∀ n, sum_tr n = sum n := by
simp [sum_tr, loop_sum]
fn sum(mut n: Nat) -> Nat {
let mut res = 0
while let S n' = n {
res = res + n;
n = n';
Tail-Recursively Summing
In an iterative language you might write a loop
to sum the numbers n + n-1 + ... + 0
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn sum_tr(mut n: Nat) { let mut acc = 0; while let succ m = n { acc += n; n = m } return acc } }
We can write the above with tail-recursion
- The recursive call is the "last thing" the function does
- That is, the recursive result is returned without any further computation
NOTE: Go and look at itadd
; is it tail recursive?
-- def sum_tr (n acc : Nat) : Nat :=
-- match n with
-- | 0 => acc
-- | n' + 1 => sum_tr n' (n + acc)
-- def sum' (n: Nat) := sum_tr n 0
Lets try to prove that sum
and sum'
always compute the same result.
theorem sum_eq_sum' : ∀ n, sum n = sum' n := by
intros n
induction n
Oops, we are stuck.
We need to know something about sum_tr n' (n' + 1)
but what?
Can you think of a suitable helper lemma, which would let us directly
prove sum_eq_sum'
theorem helper: ∀ n acc, sum_tr n acc = sum n + acc := by ...
theorem sum_eq_sum' : ∀ n, sum' n = sum n := by
simp_arith [sum', helper]
open List
Example: Tail-Recursive sum_list
Summing a List*
def sum_list (xs : List Nat) : Nat :=
match xs with
| [] => 0
| x ::xs' => x + sum_list xs'
Tail-Recursively Summing a List*
In an iterative language you might write a loop to sum the elements of a list, e.g.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn sum_list(xs: List<Nat>) { let mut acc = 0; while let cons x ys = xs { acc += x; xs = ys } return acc } }
We can write the above with tail-recursion (where the recursive call is the "last thing")
that the function does. (Hint: Go and look at itadd
; is it tail recursive?)
def sum_list_tr (xs : List Nat) (acc : Nat): Nat :=
match xs with
| [] => acc
| x :: ys => sum_list_tr ys (acc + x)
def sum_list' (xs: List Nat) := sum_list_tr xs 0
Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma that would let us complete
the proof of sum_list_eq_sum_list'
theorem sum_list'_eq : ∀ (xs acc), sum_list_tr xs acc = sum_list xs + acc := by
theorem sum_list_eq_sum_list' : ∀ xs, sum_list' xs = sum_list xs := by
intros xs
simp_arith [sum_list', sum_list'_eq]
Example: Tail-Recursive Reverse
rev_tr [0,1,2,3]
loop [0,1,2,3] []
loop [1,2,3] [0]
loop [2,3] [1, 0]
loop [3] [2, 1, 0]
loop [] [3, 2, 1, 0]
def rev_tr {α : Type} (xs res: List α) : List α :=
match xs with
| [] => res
| x ::xs' => rev_tr xs' (x :: res)
def rev' (xs: List α) := rev_tr xs []
example : rev' [0,1,2,3] = [3,2,1,0] := by rfl
Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma rev_tr_app
that would let us complete
the proof of rev_eq_rev'
rev_tr xs [] == rev xs
rev_tr xs res
== [xn, ...x3, x2,x1, 99]
== rev xs ++ res
theorem app_nil : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), app xs [] = xs := by
theorem rev_tr_helper_theorem : ∀ {α : Type} (xs res : List α),
rev_tr xs res = app (rev xs) res := by sorry
theorem rev_eq_rev' : ∀ {α : Type} (xs: List α), rev' xs = rev xs := by
intros α xs
simp [rev', rev_tr_helper_theorem, app_nil]
Example: Tail-Recursive Evaluator
Arithmetic Expressions
inductive Aexp : Type where
| const : Nat -> Aexp
| plus : Aexp -> Aexp -> Aexp
deriving Repr
open Aexp
def two_plus_three := plus (const 2) (const 3)
/ \
bob_const bob_const
| |
2 3
Evaluating Expressions
def eval (e: Aexp) : Nat :=
match e with
| const n => n
| plus e1 e2 => eval e1 + eval e2
#eval eval two_plus_three
def eval_acc (e: Aexp) (res: Nat) : Nat :=
match e with
| const n => n + res
| plus e1 e2 => eval_acc e2 (eval_acc e1 res)
def eval' (e: Aexp) := eval_acc e 0
example : eval' two_plus_three = eval two_plus_three := by rfl
eval' two_plus_three
eval' (plus (const 2) (const 3))
eval_acc (plus (const 2) (const 3)) 0
eval_acc (const 3) (eval_acc (const 2) 0)
eval_acc (const 3) ( 2 + 0)
eval_acc (const 3) 2
3 + 2
QUIZ: Is eval_acc
tail recursive?
Lets try to prove that eval'
and eval
are "equivalent".
Can you figure out a suitable helper lemma that would let us complete
the proof of eval_eq_eval'
theorem magic_theorem : ∀ e res, eval_acc e res = eval e + res := by
intros e res
induction e generalizing res
. case const n => rfl
. case plus e1 e2 ih1 ih2 =>
simp_arith [eval, eval_acc, ih1, ih2]
theorem eval_eq_eval' : ∀ e, eval e = eval' e := by
intros e
simp [eval', magic_theorem]
Trick 4: Functional Induction
Based on Joachim Breitner's notes on Functional Induction
def len (xs: List α) : Nat :=
match xs with
| [] => 0
| _::xs' => 1 + len xs'
def alt (xs ys : List α) : List α :=
match xs, ys with
| [], ys => ys
| xs, [] => xs
| x::xs', y::ys' => x :: y :: alt xs' ys'
#eval alt [1,2,3,4] [10]
First, lets try a "brute force" proof.
exp ::= const c | var | plus exp exp | mult exp exp
(const 7)
(mult (var (mult var var)))))
(mult (const 2) (mult var var))
(const 10))
7x^3 + 2*x^2 + 10
5x^3 + 12*x^2
[7, 2, 0, 10]
[5, 12, 0, 0]
[12, 14, 0, 10]
theorem alt_len_easy : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
intros α xs ys
induction xs, ys using alt.induct
. case case1 => simp [alt, len]
. case case2 => simp [alt, len]
. case case3 x xs' y ys' ih => simp_arith [alt, len, *]
theorem alt_len : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α),
len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
intros α xs ys
induction xs
. case nil =>
simp [alt, len]
. case cons x xs' ih_xs =>
induction ys
. case nil =>
simp [alt, len]
. case cons y ys' ih_ys =>
simp [alt, len, *]
Instead, it can be easier to do the same induction as mirrors the recursion in alt
theorem alt_len' : ∀ {α : Type} (xs ys : List α), len (alt xs ys) = len xs + len ys := by
intros α xs ys
induction xs, ys using alt.induct
. case case1 => simp [alt, len]
. case case2 => simp [alt, len]
. case case3 => simp_arith [alt, len, *]